برآورد کمی بارندگی
From the top right clockwise: Melting Layer Detection Algorithm outputs clearly showing a bright- band 'ring'; Hydrometeor Classification Algorithm outputs (HR = heavy rain, GR = graupel, WS = wet snow, IC = Ice Crystals, UK = Unknown); Dual-Pol QPE outputs showing the instan- taneous precipitation rate in inches/hour (NOAA/National Weather Service; Schlatter 2010)
� Improve quantitative precipitation estimation
Similarly, for a World Meteorological Organisation intercomparison experiment, a prioritized list of Quantitative Precipitation Estimation (QPE) issues cited in the project concept document (http://www.wmo.int/) included:
Many of the examples shown in the table are candidates for use in a multi-sensor approach and Box 2.3 describes one system which combines several of these types of inputs: the National Mosaic and Multi-sensor QPE (NMQ) System in the USA.
These include Quantitative Precipitation Estimation (QPE) products for applications such as flash flood warning and water resources management and 3-D radar mosaic tools to assist in severe weather detection, aviation applications and data assimilation for atmospheric models.
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